Organizing Committee Statement: Maps for Long Distance Final A
Upon the release of today's Middle Distance maps at EOC's 2014 website, due to a mistake, tomorow's Long Distance Final A maps and courses Men and Women were available for about 15 minutes somewhere between 18h45 and 19h15.
For fairness reasons, maps and old courses will be available at the quarantine for all teams.
Two new courses will be set for tomorow's Long Distance Final A and first start men has been changed to 10h00 GMT
and 10h01 for the women.
Pinhal Novo - Palmela, Monday April 14th 23h30GMT
The Organizing Comittee
LIVESTREAM - Prize Giving Cerimony
Be welcome to watch the livestream of the middel distance prize giving cerimony!
Our winners had the flower, stil in the arenas, and now the so expected medals fpor wich they have worked so much will truly be handled to them.